About IUM

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The MathFinEco University Institute is a Higher Education Institution of General Interest, member of the International Conference of Training of Engineers and French Expression Technicians (CITEF). The IUM Institute wants to be a Pantheon of Innovation, Knowledge Diffusion, and a business academic incubation center. Its vocation is to train executives and leaders of tomorrow in the fields of Digital, Energy, Management, Finance, Actuarial Science, Logistics & Purchasing and Industrial Management. The aim is to train high-level engineers and executives in all the digital, energy and management professions, and to provide public and private institutions in Africa with well-equipped and strategically-minded face the challenges of a world in perpetual mutations. It is also to meet the growing needs of engineers from African countries while taking into account their specificities and proper needs.

International Opening

In order to ensure the quality of its training and to give an international openness to its students, the MathFinEco University Institute has signed partnerships with schools and higher institutes of international stature located in Europe and Africa. On the one hand, these are partnerships with two leading French engineering schools: Efrei Paris (Paris-Sud) and ECAM-EPMI (Paris - Cergy Pontoise), which led to the opening of an integrated preparatory cycle delocalised. This integrated preparatory cycle allows students following a shared program to have access to these two higher engineering institutes at the end of their preparatory cycle, subject to validation of their two (02) years at the MathFinEco University Institute. On the other hand, partnerships with the Ecole Polytechnique d'Assurances (EPA) in France and the African Institute of Management (IAM) in Senegal were also signed in order to promote the integration of IUM students into these institutions. schools to continue their training in Master. Through our partnerships, the Master's or Engineer's degrees awarded to students of the Institute are approved by the French State and accredited by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (CTI).


The MathFinEco University Institute has an institute of analysis and research: MathFinEco Institute of Financial and Economic Studies (MIFES). MIFES's research focuses on renewable energies, financial modeling, public finance, public-private partnerships, entrepreneurship, and development economics.

Higher Education Institution of General Interest

The MathFinEco University Institute is a Higher Education Institution of General Interest, member of the International Conference of Training of French-Speaping Engineers and Technicians (CITEF). More than 100 professors and executives from Benin, England, Canada, the United States of America, France, and Nigeria are involved in the training. They have several years of teaching experience at universities such as Harvard, Georgetown, Howard, Ecole Centrale de Paris, and the International Monetary Fund Institute (IMF), as well as practical experiences acquired at the Center for International Development at Harvard University, IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Department, Intelsat, ABS satellite firm, Novartis Corporation, Chubb Insurance Group and the Poly Informatique Institute of the Group IGS. Through our partnerships, the Master or Engineer degrees awarded to students of the Institute are approved by the French State and accredited by the Commission of Engineering Titles (CTI).